My First Experience in Making Batik

(I was making batik at a batik stand)
I ever tried to make batik when I was visiting a cultural event at Jogja Expo Center (JEC), the event was Festival Warisan Budaya Nusantara 2013 in hall B. I had a big curiosity to make batik when I saw a woman was making a handmade batik using a "canting", the form of "canting" is like a pen to apply "malam" (brown liquid) on the cloth and the woman made many dots on a white and large cloth. It seemed like easy seeing another person made batik but I felt not that easy while I practiced it by myself on a little and white cloth with a "canting" and applied the brown liquid called "malam". "Malam" was put on a little cup (it was like a little frying pan) and it was hot enough so it needed a care when people took the liquid. 
Making batik also needs patience and care in order to get a tidy and beautiful batik as the design, when I was applying the "malam" on my little cloth sometimes I got little troubles with the hot liquid which was falling down and then it became hard but however I was so excited to make it for the first time...and I wanna say that I will do it again to get my best batik.

4 komentar:

  1. it seems so fun see you to learn how to make batik,, :)

    1. you're right...I suggest you also to try it cz it's exciting activity as your experience related to batik.

  2. I also tried making batik. It was so enjoyable ^_^
