Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Event at UTY

KOMPAK, The Right Place to See All About Art and Culture

There was an interesting event held by UTY (Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta) on March 5, 2013 at 3 PM, the event was very attractive and enjoyable because KOMPAK allowed to many students of university to express their talents at singing, reading poems, dancing and all about culture and art. KOMPAK is an organization consisting of students of UTY to support many talents of art and culture. KOMPAK is Komedi, Puisi, Akustik (Comedy, Poem, Accoustic), it means that this organization has some purposes, one of the purposes is to grow up the sense of the two aspects (culture and art) of many students in UTY by showing up their abilities.

First of all, the event was opened by giving a speech as a welcome that was delivered by Mr. Mudori as the leader of the event. Then Mr. Radjaban as a lecturer of the university also gave his speech before the main event was begun. There were some sessions of the performances, first was stand up comedy, second was reading poems, then about music (singing) and the last was dancing. It was very entertaining for the audiences when the session of stand up comedy was begun, there were four people who were involved in this session, two of them were the lecturers of UTY (Mr. Radjaban and Mr. Pramono). The second part was reading poems, in this part many audiences were invited to enjoy every poetry read by each reader. Some poems could touch the heart because each poem had each theme and meaning, every audience gave his/her great applausefor this part. After reading poems, KOMPAK was continued for the next session, it was music, in this session group bands or soloist could perform to sing their favorite songs. The participants of singing session were perfect when they sang the songs, many audiences were also interested in joining to sing along and although it was raining but it did not become a big trouble, instead it had added the atmosphere nicer. The last part of KOMPAK event was dancing, dancing is one of the most interesting matters when we talk about culture and art so it was exposed as the others parts. Dancing became the beautiful closing of that event, the dancers were dancing beautifuly.
The event is an interesting and the right place to see all about art and culture, the people who were involved in this great event could know the new talents of art and also culture. Many students or lecturers can express their sense which is related to all about the both aspects. It was a perfect event to watch with our friends to refresh mind after we studied or finished many assignments from the lecturers. We look forward to seeing the next event of KOMPAK. Salam KOMPAK !



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