Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Dear Batik Lovers....

Welcome to my blog, in this edition I take an interesting topic, all about batik. Why batik? because I wanna inform all of you as batik lovers about batik, such as the history of batik, the meaning of each pattern of batik, events of batik and for sure because Indonesia is famous of the beautiful batik and nowadays batik has became a world heritage from Indonesia.
Batik is a pride cloth from Indonesia, it becomes the identity of this lovely country. Before many people develop its pattern, batik was only worn by old people and in certain occasions but now it is different because there are many patterns of batik which has modified by many people in order to make an image that batik is not only for old people but also it can be worn by youth, adult even the children. At present, we can see many people wear batik in every event or occasion like meeting, wedding party, school, campus, office and so on, it indicates that every person is proud of batik and it becomes something unique and also modern one. Moreover when the local government in many cities of Indonesia urge that every Friday becomes the batik day so many people wear batik every Friday, it also makes Indonesia proud after UNESCO announced that batik from Indonesia is a world heritage in October 2, 2009. So be proud of being Indonesian who have a unique and masterpiece cloth.
(picture :http.://www.google.com)

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