My Article 2


BATIK more...and more...

The History of Batik
The word "batik" has a certain meaning, "batik" comes from the wrd "ambatik" which is translated as "a cloth with little dots" and the word/suffix "tik" means drop, little dot, point or to make dots. Batik also originally comes from the Javanese, the word "tritik" which is translated a process where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing, and it is similar to tie dye techniques.
In the beggining of batik, only Javanese royalty who could wear batik and also the Javanese royalty were known to give the inspiration for the highly designs or patterns of batik. Many designs or patterns of batik were inspired by princesses and the noble women. But some scholars disagree that batik was only reserved for the royal family, they also feel that batik can be worn by the people (rakyat) not only the royal family.
It was considered an important part of young ladies capability/accomplishment that they were able to handle/use a "canting" (like a pen to apply wax to the cloth) because it was related to accomplishment about cookery and other house works to Central Javanese women. It is also mentioned of "fabrics highly decorated" in Dutch transcript in 17th century and it is believed that the Javanese batik patterns have been possible after an importation of woven imported cloth which was imported to Indonesia from India, it was about the 1800s and then from Europe in 1815. In the 19th century batik developed well and it became ingrained in Javanese cultural life.

The Types of Batik Based On The Techniques 
1. Handmade Batik
This type is originally made by handmade technique, it takes two till three months to make batik using this technique. It also needs a "canting" ( a toll like a pen to apply wax on the cloth) to make handmade batik and it is usually more expensive than the printed batik because it can be seen from the quality standard is better, unique and exclusive one. The production of this batik is limited.
2. Printed Batik
Batik which is processed in this way usually needs two until three days and the design of it will be printed using a printing tool which is made from copper. The price of printed batik is usually lower (quite cheap) because of the big production, having the similar motif and it makes batik not special enough.
3. Painted Batik
The process of making a painted batik is painting on the white cloth directly.

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