Festival Warisan Budaya (Cultural Event)

Festival Warisan Budaya Nusantara 2013 is a kind of cultural event held on May 22 till 26, 2013 at hall B of Jogja Expo Center (JEC), Yogyakarta. This event was full of visitors because we could see many stands related to culture such as some batik stands, handcraft stands, accessories, acoustic music as an entertaining and so on. When I was there to see this cultural festival I visited one cultural stand which served about batik and Kraton Yogyakarta (Sultan Palace), it made me interested to get closer and take some pictures because around the wall of the stand I saw some batik clothes hanging with each name of the motif, it was very interesting stand. Beside, there were some photos of Sultan family hanging on the wall (above of the batik clothes) which portrayed Sultan and the family using batik at some important events, from the nice pictures I could know the important events at Kraton Yogyakarta and its batik. In front of the stand there was a picture of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and his wife (GKR Hemas) so as a visitor I felt that it was full of Javanese atmosphere and also there visitors could see a woman was making a handmade batik on a white cloth, it also made visitors see how to make a handmade batik directly. The visitors also could try to make batik by themselves on a white little cloth with the design so if they wanted to learn how to make a batik it would be a nice and good experiment. In the stand the visitors could ask questions about batik and Kraton Yogyakarta, a man with his traditional clothes and blangkon would respond the questions with pleasure. You would get many knowledge and experiences when you ever visited and saw this cultural event with low price to enter because you just paid for Rp. 3.000,-/person.

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