My Article 1

The Designs and Meanings of Batik 

We know that batik has many designs and each design or pattern has each meaning or symbolic philosophy, usually the meaning is related to our daily life. Bellow I write some designs of batik so you as batik lovers can know about the meaning when you are wearing batik fitted to your favorite motif. 
  • Sida Mukti
According to Javanese the word "sida" is pronounced "sido" means "to become", this motif has a meaning about an ispiration. The inspiration of our wishes or hopes will be fulfilled so it means the wish or hope to achieve the physical and spiritual happiness.


  • Sida Luhur
The word "luhur" means "glorious", the pattern expresses about a hope to reach a high position in society and to become a community leader, it also means that Javanese people wish that they can live in glorious life.


  • Sida Asih
The word “Asih” means “affection/love” so Sida Asih has a symbolic meaning about a wish of human beings that their feelings can develop (sida asih) among all of people. It should be better when people love each other.


  • Sekar Jagad
“Sekar Jagad” words come from the words “kar jagad”, “kar” is a map and “jagad” is the world so this pattern symbolizes the diversity in this world. It also contains of a meaning of beauty so the another person who sees a person wearing Sekar Jagad motif, he or she will be spellbound.


  • Kawung Motif
It means about a hard effort or passion which will give a real result.


  •  Truntum
It means growing and rising, Javanese people always want a new generation for every new family because the generation will continue the previous family and the new generation will become a pillar to make the dreams and wishes of that family come true.


  •  Mega Mendung
The meaning of mega mendung is a harmonic moving, everything always changes in this life (up and down) then it developes outside to search an identity in social and religious life. At last it can bring them (people) enter a new life to go back to the Creator (Sunnatullah).

  • Parikesit
The meaning is something important based on a hard and fast effort, the effort can be done based on the rules of society.

  • Parang Besar
The meaning of Parang Besar is pride and authority.

  • Ceplok Kasatrian
The meaning of this design is gallant, people who wear this batik design look as gallant people. 

Source of Pictures :


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